Halloween Thoughts

AnitaOn my Mind Leave a Comment

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a seeker of information – an eternal student.  I love to know the history of how everything originates, why we do the things we do, where the traditions came from, why we cook certain foods on certain holidays.  Sometimes, the answers are fascinating but mostly I am often reminded that we have all shared a similar or the same history and essentially we are One.

This Halloween weekend, as you are wrapping your little ones in their superhero, princess or furry costumes, take a moment to breath in the air that our ancestors and ancient families breathed thousands of years ago.  And while, on that cool autumn night, they were calling on the departed souls for advice, we can – with that breath- allow our hearts to be free and open them wide, radiating light around our beautiful planet and lifting those that need it to the possibility of this new world and this new Earth.

We have segregated ourselves by nation, language, religion, class, color, height, beauty, possessions and every possible sub-category, and that will not serve us anymore, for ultimately we are all One People, sharing One Earth with One Heart and One Consciousness uniting us everywhere.

Happy Halloween Weekend to All!

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