Cumin Eggs with Seaweed and Vermicelli

AnitaBreakfast, Dairy Free, Eggs, Vegetarian, What's Cooking Leave a Comment

Happy New Year everyone! I am excited to welcome a new year, a new outlook and ready to tackle new goals and lists. One of my more pressing goals is to shed my baby weight. Sophie is now 13 months and I have no excuses anymore. Although sleep deprivation didn’t help the situation last year, these days her sleep is improving which means I’m shedding my zombie look slowly but surely.

I love having a big breakfast for many reasons, mainly that it keeps me fueled for most of the day and prevents junk snacking. In the last couple of months, I have been regularly getting our eggs fresh from a local farmer. If you have the chance to find one in your area, I highly recommend that. These eggs are so delicious, the yolk is bright orange and the flavor is rich and fulfilling. I make eggs many different ways, and one of my favorite is spicing them with cumin and making it into a breakfast soup. I used seaweed this time. If you don’t like the flavor, you could substitute with some fresh spinach or baby arugula. Drop it in the soup at the end and remove from the heat.

Start with cracking the eggs in good butter. Add salt and pepper and a pinch of cumin. Once scrambled (keep them slightly soft). Add water, cumin, seaweed and vermicelli. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot.

Cumin Eggs with Seaweed and Vermicelli
2 eggs, large
1 cup water
2 tbsp seaweed
3 tbsp vermicelli
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp sea salt (adjust to taste)
Pinch of coriander
Pinch of chili pepper
Freshly ground pepper

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